Where do I begin? How do I explain the feelings I had?? I don't know!!! The best I can do is say I was all crazy on the inside!!! When a dream of this magnitude is answered I don't think there are words to explain the sheer joy. A dolphin is such an incredible animal. So sweet, smart, sensitive....just a big love!! When you look into their eyes, and they look back.....there is a special connection. It was everything I imagined it would be.....and so much more! I am so grateful to my sister for this gift!! And so happy that she was there to share it with me!!
We got into the water, and stood in a line. Our dolphins name was CJ. CJ would swim in front of us very slowly so we could pat his back. Then he would roll over and let us pat his belly!! He felt kind of rubbery.
We all got to feed him a fish, kiss him, go for a ride with him and hug him!!! And I have to say he is a very good kisser!!!
You can tell a dolphin by the markings on his tail. They are all different.....like humans and finger prints. There is an artisan in Florida who makes sterling silver pendants of the different dolphins at Discovery Cove.
After purchasing a photo package I was not going to buy CJ's tail, but Nina convinced me that I should, and I am very glad that I did!!! Its very pretty!!
Discovery Cove was wonderful. After my swim, we spent the rest of the time walking among sting-rays, snorkling with tropical fish, seeing beautiful exotic birds, and floating down the lazy river. Correction.....
Nina was very good at snorkling. I stunk at it!! Couldn't stand the mask on my face, and gagged when I put the snorkle in my mouth!! Oh well!!
When we were trying to get out of the lazy river we were swimming against the current. Although I am an excellent swimmer when you are laughing like a hyena its a little difficult to swim up stream!! The harder time I had the more I laughed. It was quite pitiful! The thing is....there was a lifeguard standing right there and didn't make any attempt at all to help me!! Fortunately Nina came to my rescue and pulled me out!!
Everything was included there. Wet suits, towels, breakfast, snacks, lunch, shampoo etc. It was a great day!! Ok......here are the pictures!!!!!

CJ enjoying a belly rub!!

Going for a ride with my new friend!

He loves to get a hug!!

Back for another belly rub!

A very salty kiss!!
And yes Rochelle.....another bad hair day!!

He was really loving this hug!!

As the entered the park they took our
It was an awesome experience!!!!! THANK YOU THANK THANK YOU NINA!!!!!!