Thursday, March 3, 2011

Punky's Tonsils.....

My poor little Punky is having his tonsils out May 3rd.  Nana will be in Florida and Papa in Aruba!  Oh no!!
Shan needs to fatten him up before then because he only weighs 36 pounds, and is only 3 years old.  Apparently they don't like to remove them until they are 5 years old and weigh 40 pounds!  I see lots of frappes in his future!!  He doesn't really like sweets so Nana can't plump him up with cookies!!
                                                    He'll be having lots of pudding!!!!
                                                       Tired of our Punky being here!!
                                                      How can that be comfortable!!!
                                                        Now that's more like it!!!
                                                     Poor sick boy having a treatment.....
                                                      Can still be a clown even when sick!!
                                                       Look at those tonsils!!  Poor Punky!


  1. OMG! They are huge! Love your pictures! I don't understand he still has his clothes on! I will be thinking of him on May 3rd!!!

  2. What a cutie. His tonsils need to come out ..That's for sure. I had mine out when I was ten. We will pray for things to go smoothly.

  3. Poor baby! The tonsils look like marbles! Yikes! Love the picture of him on the sectional! Connie and Russ have a sectional-next time I visit I am going to sit like that!!You may have to come and get me!!! I will be thinking of the little guy on May 3rd!!
